Search Results
71 items found for ""
- Get inspired
Have you ever thought "I love Elven jewelry but how can I wear it? " Where? How to combine it? Cosplay? OK. But a wedding? A party? An evening with friends? I have a solution for this. See the pictures I've received from previous customers and get inspired :) See many more here:
- The new shop is here!
I've decided to offer you all the jewels in one place, without unnecessary fees. You can find them in my Shop. If you want a custom order, just contact me in chat. It is easy ;) Also I offer you the possibility to become a sales representative for Elven Rose Design - you will find all the details in the "Join my Team" section. Pentru iubitorii bijuteriilor Elven Rose Design din Romania, am pregatit un website / magazin nou-nout. Va invit sa il vizitati :)
- Exquisite elven jewelry created with love and passion. --- Thank you FrostedFire Kate and SaerwenCosplayz for the featured photos and video
- Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays from Elven Rose Design Holidays are coming, it's time for gifts for your loved ones! If you order them from us, we make sure they arrive on time, wrapped as a gift and you can even add a personalized message. Make your loved ones happy without leaving the house. Protect you and them!
- Cyber Week
Cyber Week is here!! You can find all my jewelry with 20% discount! Have fun and don't stop dreaming! #CyberWeek #holiday2020
- VIP Club
If you like my jewelry and want to have access to news on new items, giveaways, exclusive coupons to her Etsy shop and many other surprises, I invite you to join my VIP Club: Elven Rose Design VIP Club
- New Collection
I've created a new collection, perfect for Summer. Have you ever wondered what cocktail-inspired jewelry might look like? Well, this is the answer :D
- Cosplay Contest
Why the world needs artists? To make life more beautiful. To make people let aside their problems and their worries and dream. To make them remember that the beauty is still there and all the bad things will end. So let's brighten the day with this contest (and more will come) : Cosplay Contest Enter for a chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate that can be used in Elven Rose Designs shop! What you need to do? Post a comment here with a picture of you looking elven / fairy (wearing elven jewelry or a dress that makes you feel like an elf / fairy) or a cosplay you made (on any theme). The picture that receive the most likes will be the winner. Tip: you can ask your friends to vote for you ;) The WINNER will be announced on April 15th. Good luck everyone and stay safe! #cosplay #contest #elvenjewelry #elfears #tiara
- Partnership
I am a druidess at heart and, as expected, some of my jewels are perfect for druids. A little while ago I've started a partnership with They have a wonderful array of items for sale. Visit their website, I think you'll like it.
- Roaring 20s
I've always been fascinated with 20s fashion. I was designing and their style slipped into this very elegant circlet whispering the magical tales of the Sea. You can see more photos of it here:
- Dragobete
Eu, personal, nu am auzit de Dragobete decat dupa ce a inceput sa se sarbatoreasca si la noi Valentine's Day. Mi s-a parut o reactie la acea sarbatoare. Si totusi… ce o face diferita? E vorba despre iubire, cu ce e mai speciala iubirea romaneasca? Si atunci am inteles :) Este vorba despre spiritul dacic / romanesc, cel care a dat nastere Coloanei Infinitului, culturii Cucuteni, cel care a creat "Luceafarul", "Ciocarlia" si "Rapsodia Romana"...Toate acestea le-am adunat intr-un pandantiv creat special pentru a onora acest spirit intr-o zi a iubirii :) Iubeste Romaneste!
- Charity Auction for Australia
Unique statement necklace inspired by the tragic events in Australia. This necklace tells their story. With the lower part representing the fires and the upper part, the hands that save lives and give hope. This necklace was designed and created especially to be auctioned and 90% of the selling price will be donated to Humane Society International to help them rescue and care for these innocent victims. #ooak #unique #necklace #ooaknecklace #auction #charity #forAustralia